

Tag: Meditation

How to Smash Resistance to Meditation With Just One Story

I’ve been working with quite a few schools recently. Schools have regular Inset days for Continuing Professional Development and also ‘twilight’ training which happens at the end of the working day. I’m full of admiration for schools and their staff. They are more and more stretched with less and less funding. Stress levels can be...

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Meditation: How it Works and Why it Works (Full Meditation Script Attached)

There are two routes to mastery of a subject. One to study hard over many years, spend a lot of time and money getting to grips with all the theory that has emerged from available research, gain experience, make mistakes, discard those mistakes and try something different, read and write around your subject, immerse yourself in...

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3 Reasons to Start Practising Loving-Kindness Meditation Right Away

You may have tried meditation in the past. Perhaps you kept it up for a couple of days and thought ‘this feels difficult.’ So you stopped and assumed meditation is just not right for you. But did you know there are thousands of ways to meditate; from mindfulness, breath-based or mantra-based meditations to open focused...

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Learn how to Lean in to Mindfulness

Self-care is something that doesn’t come easy for many of us. We race from one goal to the next, multitasking, multi-screening and telling ourselves that doing more somehow equals being more. ‘I’m soooo busy’ is the modern mantra. There’s a sense of status in implying you barely have time to sleep these days. In a...

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