

Author: Frances Masters

How to Tell If It’s Depression or Just Lockdown Syndrome. Assessment Form Attached

I was sent a report recently following research around the impact of Lockdown on young people in the UK. It makes worrying reading. Here are some quotes: “it feels suffocating being inside the house and not seeing friends” “I hate it here, would very much like to go outside” “Loneliness, sadness, isolation, feeling afraid when I go...

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How Poor Sleep Can Cause Depression… and What to do About It!

Throughout my career in mental health I’ve felt compelled to share knowledge; whether through the writing of books like ‘PTSD Resolution’ about the extraordinary Rewind Technique, training programmes for practitioners or replicating my own working methods in the Fusion five session manual. Through Lockdown, that compulsion has become even stronger. I think the need for psychological support is going to...

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One Quick Way to Hack your Brain Happy

Jenny came to see me about her panic attacks at work. ‘It’s bad enough when I’m at a meeting but if I have to get up and give a presentation, I’m all over the place; dry mouth, sweats, dizzy, falling over my words. Sometimes I’ve called in sick rather update the team on last month’s...

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Is it Time for a Change: Free Work Book

Recently, I asked how you were feeling and quite a few of you actually got in contact to let me know. It was good to get updates from people I’ve worked with over the years and many of those I’ve trained too. However, it was troubling to hear the common theme of high anxiety caused...

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How to Let your Brain Calm your Body Down

Just a quick reminder that you can register your interest for the Fusion Therapeutic Coaching Diploma here Polyvagal Theory In my opinion, Dr Steven Porges’ Polyvagal Theory is likely to change the face of therapy. It’s research I’ve been watching with interest for a while and which has now been fully integrated into the Therapeutic...

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Bust Stress with Mindfulness in this One Easy Step

Self-care is something that doesn’t come easily for many of us. We race from one goal to the next, multitasking, multi-screening and telling ourselves that doing more somehow equals being more. ‘I’m soooo busy’ is the modern mantra. There’s a sense of status in implying you barely have time to sleep these days. So, in...

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How to Smash Resistance to Meditation With Just One Story

I’ve been working with quite a few schools recently. Schools have regular Inset days for Continuing Professional Development and also ‘twilight’ training which happens at the end of the working day. I’m full of admiration for schools and their staff. They are more and more stretched with less and less funding. Stress levels can be...

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A Technique to Slow Down Time

Like trying to herd cats, closing your eyes, sitting still and focusing your attention on just one thing, can feel impossible at first. However, constantly bringing the mind home; observing your thoughts in a non-judgemental and detached way not only has the power to raise self-awareness but actually trains the brain. Just five minutes can...

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How to Lower Anxiety with the 7-11 Breathing Technique

Part of the Fusion Therapeutic Coaching STOP System® for controlling anxiety and panic attacks People often comment ‘Breathing? I do it all the time without thinking! What’s so different about this technique? The answer is simple: When we breathe in, we activate the sympathetic nervous system. It is more of an effort to breathe in...

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