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Butter Oil Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Many people think of butter as unhealthy. This bad reputation, however, is rather undeserved. In reality, butter substitutes (along with artificially made trans-fats) are the real health risk.

In contrast, natural trans-fat produced by grass-fed cows contains a substance known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which is known to offer a number of benefits, including protection against some cancers, heart diseases and osteoporosis.

Butter oil is a dairy oil extracted from milk produced by cows that feed solely on rapidly growing green grass. They produce milk which contains higher concentrations of fatty acids and antioxidants. To preserve its freshness and aroma, it is extracted with minimal processing.

Compared to ordinary butter produced by grain and hay-fed cows, butter oil from grass-fed cows is rich in nutrients that include the little known Vitamin K2. This type of oil also contains Vitamins A and E as well as phenolic antioxidants. If you’re already into a healthy diet, you are likely to be getting enough an ample supply of Vitamins A and E as well as some forms of antioxidants. What you probably need is a less commonly known Vitamin, K2.

Don’t be fooled by the lack of publicity surrounding Vitamin K2 – it offers amazing array of benefits for our bodies. For one, it plays an important part in calcium metabolism. It is also helpful in preventing certain life-threatening diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Other components that help butter oil do wonders include the following:

  • Activator X: Discovered by a Cleveland dentist named Dr. Weston A. Price, Activator X, is a potent substance that helps with the body’s nutrient absorption. It is present in meats from grass-fed animals as well as in some sea foods. Butter made from dairy milk of cows grazing in spring grass is a rich source of Activator X.
  • Arachidonic Acid: This is a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid naturally present in certain animal-based foods. It can be found in red meats and egg yolks. Arachidonic acid can help stimulate the development of muscle tissues around the bones.
  • Stigmasterol: Also known as the “Wulzen anti-stiffness factor,” stigmasterol is one of a group of plant sterols commonly found in plant oils and raw animal fat. A researcher named Rosalind Wulzen discovered that stigmasterol can provide incredible protection against degenerativef arthritis. This substance helps protect against the hardening of the arteries and calcification (accumulation of calcium salts) of the pineal gland.
  • Fatty Acids: Butter contains an abundance of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids improve the health of the colon wall. They also help in stabilizing blood glucose levels to facilitate the release of insulin from the pancreas as well as the liver’s glucose uptake. Medium-chain fatty acids work by helping reduce abdominal obesity and diminishing fat storage.
  • Omega-6 and 3 Essential Fatty Acids: These fatty acids naturally occur in raw butter in minimal amounts. The oil’s unique balance of linoleic and linolenic acid helps prevent problems associated with too much omega-6 fatty acid consumption.
  • Lecithin: A natural component of butter, lecithin is crucial for the construction of cells. It is critical to cardiovascular health as it can reverse and prevent the damages that coronary artery diseases could cause. Lecithin creates a lubrication, which makes it hard for large, fatty deposits to develop.
  • Cholesterol and Glycosphingolipids: Cholesterol in milk is essential for human growth and development. It is also useful in producing steroids protection against serious illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of mental disorder. Glycosphingolipids are a type of fat that provide protection against infections in the digestive system, especially in children and the elderly.
  • Trace Minerals: A significant number of trace minerals are found in the globule membrane of butterfat. These include manganese, zinc, and iodine. Butter also contains high levels of selenium, a mineral that has antioxidant properties and helps protect cells from damage.

With all the vitamins and nutrients butter oil contains, it offers an astounding array of health benefits that include the following:

  • Heart health – Contrary to popular belief, butter is good for your heart. This is because of the nutrients it contains, including Vitamins A, D, and E, lecithin, and selenium.
  • Skin care – Butter oil is an excellent facial moisturizer. It helps soften the skin by providing nourishment to the tissues. With its anti-aging properties, this type of oil can give your skin a health, youthful glow. Thanks to its Vitamin K2 content, it can help reduce the appearance of spider veins and dark circles around the eyes. It also has healing properties, making it useful for treating wounds.
  • Cancer prevention – Because it is produced by grass-fed cows, butter oil contains significant levels of conjugated linoleic acid or CLA. Studies have shown, CLA can help reduce the risk of cancer. It works by reducing the body’s fat accumulation and cachexia, which is known to be associated with advanced cancer.
  • Bone growth and development – Vitamin K2 also influences the development of the facial bones. In general, it helps strengthen the skeletal system as well as preventing tooth decay.
  • Healthy digestion – Butter oil helps maintain good gastrointestinal health. It is useful in treating diarrhea in children. It works by regularizing bowel movement. With its significant levels of butyric acid, it promotes healthy digestion and provides protection against gastrointestinal infection.
  • Weight control – With its CLA content, it can help with healthy weight maintenance by reducing body fat and indirectly contributing to the development of lean muscle tissue.

No one can deny the benefits that butter oil has to offer. With its numerous healing properties, this type of oil should have pride of place beside the other natural oils in your medicine cabinet.

Butter Oil Side Effects

Butter oil does not seem to produce any side effects, but always use a patch test if you suspect you’re sensitive to a particular oil.

Frances Masters

Frances Masters is a BACP accredited psychotherapist with over 30,000 client hours of experience. Follow her @fusioncoachuk, or visit The Integrated Coaching Academy for details about up coming training.